Refunds can take an average of 3-5 days to process.  You can check the status of your refund in your account.

Here's a guide to what the statuses mean.

  • Refunded/ Refund Approved - You've done everything you need to and your refund is on the way back to you, it will appear in your account within 5 days.
  • Refund Processing/ Refund - Action Required – Before we can process your refund we may need you to return your tickets.
  • Refund Rejected– We’re unable to refund your tickets. This could be because you've scanned your eticket or activated your Mobile Ticket. 

My card has expired

We only refund the card that was originally used to make the booking – this is to make sure that the refund goes to the right place and avoids any problems.  If your card has expired then normally this won’t make any difference to money being refunded.

If your account is closed and the refund still isn't appearing in your account after 15 days, please contact your card issuer. They'll be holding the funds for you and will be able to arrange a transfer to your new account. If your card issue has confirmed that the refund funds have been sent back to us, please obtain an ARN number from them to allow us to trace the returned refund.