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Travelling in the UK
Advance Single tickets
Generally, the conditions around Advance Single tickets don’t permit any changes to be made to the seats allocated unless you exchange your tickets.
Flexible tickets
If you have an Anytime, Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak tickets, seat can be change. Please follow the process below to amend your seats.
Log in to your account and open the ticket which you would like to amend. When your ticket is open you will see this page below.

Please click on the change date/time option to amend your seats. Next you will be asked to select the the journey you would like to change
Once you have clicked continue you will then be asked to search for a new date/time. If you would only like to change your seat and not your date/time then please just search the same date and time as you had previously chosen and click find new journey.
Next you will see a list of new times for the date you have chosen and next to these times you will see a Reserve button. If there is no Reserve button then this means that the service is fully booked or a non reservable service. Once you have decided on the new time and there are still reservable seats then please click the reserve button.
Seat reservations for group bookings
If you make a seat reservation for a booking of more than one person, our system will choose the best selection of seats from those available. You might get some seat numbers that don’t look like they’re together, but this might be because they’re sat around a table. We’ll always try and match your preferences, but at times it’s not always possible. Don’t worry though, many long-distance train routes have carriages that can’t be reserved, so you’re likely to find a seat on the day.
Travelling in Mainland Europe
Whether you can reserve a seat depends on the carrier you are travelling. When you make a booking online you will be shown the seat reservations available for you chosen train.
Seat reservations fall into one of the following categories -
Free seat reservation allocated at the time of booking
If you require a reservation you will be allocated one at the time of booking. Many carriers allow you to specify seating preferences, fill these in when prompted during the booking flow and we’ll do our best to provide a seat meeting those preferences.
Purchase a seat reservation at the time of booking
Some carriers do not pre-allocate you a seat reservation, instead they give you the option of purchasing one at the time of booking. To book simply select a reservation from the comfort options whilst selecting your ticket type. Add seating preferences when prompted during the booking flow and we’ll do our best to provide a seat meeting those preferences.
Upgrade to a premium seat at the time of booking
Some carriers allocate you a seat reservation but also give you the option of purchasing an upgrade to a Premium seat. The perks of these upgrades vary depending for each carrier, examples are a comfier seat, drinks and snacks, wifi and newspapers. To book simply select a Premium reservation from the comfort options whilst selecting you ticket type.
Non reservable train
Some carriers don’t provide seat reservations on all or some of their trains. This is common on regional trains, shorter routes and during peak travel times on commuter routes. On these trains you can sit in any vacant seat in the class your ticket is booked for.
Amending seat reservations
Once your ticket is booked and the seat reservations has been made, we are unable to amend it.